Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Way Of Parenting Has Change Over The Years Into...

The way of parenting has change over the years into something we still don’t know clearly today. There is no world breaking technique that would grantee a child’s success in life; so to some parenting is a controversial topic. When the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom came out in 2011, an uproar from parents came to disagree or agree. Who is this suppose Tiger Mom? Her name is Amy Chua; a Chinese American mother of two. She is a graduate from Harvard University. She grew up in a very strict household, and also raise her kids in a similar way. Chua relates a tiger mom to a â€Å"Chinese mother.† These are the mothers who raise child prodigies and geniuses. So who wouldn’t want their kid to be successful in life? If that means they have to put up boundaries and rules, so does every other child. Many might think that Chua rules with an iron fist, but in reality she is just really committed to her children’s success. A child can achieve many goals no m atter what the age. It starts from taking their first steps to getting into the University of their dreams. The way Amy Chua sees it, is that she is just making sure that getting into an Ivy League School isn’t a dream. Parents have just as much pressure as the child when planning for the future. First of all parents will have to take note on how they raise their kid; To Chua it might be too passive especially if the parents are the stereotypical â€Å"Western parents.† Chua wrote in her book â€Å"This often requires fortitude on the part ofShow MoreRelated Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Essay1551 Words   |  7 PagesParenting is something that no-one person is an expert and that no expert can tell you how to do it. If a person’s child is an absolute angel, does nothing wrong, and gets straight A’s; parenting still is difficult. When a child has a disorder such as ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactive disorder), the child needs much more from the parent than most parents bargain for. 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