Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Meaning Behind Alien Abductions Essay Example For Students

The Meaning Behind Alien Abductions Essay Souls can only incarnate inoto bodies with DNA responsive to and compatible with that soul. Because souls are shaped by experiences and thoughts, different soul types will reincarnate into different body types of the same species. As humans, their personality is influenced and restricted by the characteristics of their soul. Spiritual evolution is limited by ones biological, genetic, and physical composition. For instance, a dog cannot grow emotionally as we do because their brains are biologically incapable of perceiving the same range of emotions. Dogs also do not feel equal self sacrifice and devotion to truth that some of us humans enjoy, and we are therefore superior to them. Lastly, since all souls, once out of the physical body and deep into the stages of the afterlife, are essentially the same being, there is no place for evolution in the spiritual realm; all evolution occurs on the physical plane of existence. This is why planet earth is so value d by the powers that be. It is the perfect training, evolving, and learning grounds for positive souls with the privilege of physical presence. In this region of the solar system, without an earth, there is no evolution, and whatever pain a soul is in continues indefinitely until that soul can reincarnate to evolve out of its pain. Because souls evolve by earthly hardships, new types of souls can only develop by modification of the older ones over millions of years of evolution. Thus, if a sudden jump occured in the genetic sophistication of a species, a spiritual void would be left as the older souls would be outdated and incompatible with the newly created species. The new species would be born as still births unless some source of soul were available that is suitable with the DNA of that species. The human race was a result of drastic genetic engineering by a coalition of several alien species/races several hundred thousand years ago, each group putting its own spin on the basic human template. Most of the aliens themselves were products of undisturbed evolution upon their homeworlds. Since human evolution was catalyzed, the souls of our ancient primate ancestors could not reincarnate in the newer advanced bodies. Thus existed a spiritual void which was immediately filled with a new source. Considering it was aliens who created humans, these aliens must have had some reason to profit from the task. In fact, most alien bodies were too primitive to allow further spiritual evolution, meaning their potential for experiencing new things were hampered by the limitations of their DNA, as a blind man is restricted from admiring art by the limitations of his nonexistent eyesight. Therefore, a new creature was devised with unbelievable potential to experience and gain wisdom, created from old genetic stock already on earth at the time. This creature species was homo sapiens, a new body for the older alien souls, a new vehicle for the bored driver, a larger pot for a plant with crowded roots. But just as there were varied alien species and races, there are different human races since each alien species created its own version of the basic human. Human races are each predisposed to incarnations of ancient races of aliens, and the culture and prejudices of ancient aliens show up in the archetypes of modern cultures, because todays humans are these ancient aliens. Pure races of humans can contain only the souls of the alien race who designed them, but due to cross-racial breeding over past generations, the dilution of distinction between races has resulted in a good sized minority of each race having the capability of bearing the souls of any of several alien races. Although the majority of a race has a tendency to host a specific alien type, it is no longer an absolute law of nature. The most glaring feature of todays abduction literature is the lack of black people. Even with Barney Hill as an exception, his wife Betty is white. This indicates a preference for whites by greys and their leaders. Also, some whites speak of pleasurable encounters with aliens, while other whites recount horrific tales by the same group. This can only be true if there exist sub-races within the white race, resulting from modifications upon the original whites by an alien faction foreign to the first. Since abductees are reincarnations of different alien groups, if ones abductors are of an alien race hostile to that of his alien lineage, then he is indeed likely to be treated with hostility. But just as abductors might despise the origin of their abductees souls, so do we as humans have contempt, envy, or hatred of other races, though it is subconscious in our case and can be overcome by social conditioning. Antisemitism and racism in general are societal effects of our racial memories. Not every aspect of cultures is determined by ancestral archetypes burried deep in our minds, but the unique characteristics of a culture are flavored with the me mories and customs of our ancient alien selves. While the course of humanity on the physical plane often remains in our hands, the spirit world is a definite influence in our affairs. Sub-physical, para-ethereal entities who cannot or choose not to reincarnate attempt to alter our futures to their benefit. Usually, the astral and physical planes are separated in such a way that entities from one plane cannot influence those of the other. However, owing to Gods necessity for perpetuating the oscillation between good and evil (such that the battle between them gives birth to new experience and growth of consciousness, God) the interface between astral and physical weakens cyclically. During one part of the cycle, evil astral entities have easy access to this world, and during the other half, good entities influence humanity. Under the proper circumstances, involving places and times where the earths EM grid fluctuates toward the benefit of astral entities, they can exist more solidly and visibly to us, even to the point of attaching themselves to a new host body and living as human. These places exist naturally and are often considered haunted or sacred by the locals. Most of these entitities are simply non-incarnate alien souls who guide the influence the actions of their earthbound naive brothers. The significance of this lies in that there are many alien types, and not all have the same agenda. There are laissez-faire Non-Interventionists in physical and ethereal form, the physical ones of which live extraterrestrially. These are wise and do not interfere with what happens on earth, but allow us to be taught by the consequences of our own actions. If we blow ourselves up, we will know next time not to do it again (hopefully). Positives are pro-God, pro-Life, follow the right hand path, and respect the Kosmic Wheel of Life. These aliens serve to banish negativity in all its forms, from stasis to indifference to needless suffering and ignorance. Powerful as the se beings might be, they are not God, because God itself is pure potentiality, totally impersonal, and without self-awareness. But because it is a fact that not all beings are at equal levels of evolution, we know that there must be least and greatest of evolved beings in existence, the highest of which fit this category. Ascended Masters can be of any of the alien races, except they are highly evolved, much more so than ordinary alien groups of whom they once were normal members, and exist primarily on the spirit plane. Their power is extreme, whether they are good or evil, and can be compared to such bigshots as Jesus, Budha, Lucifer, and Satan. Occasionally, when grid conditions are right, they can incarnate physically to directly influence mankind. In the Great Pyramid, naive illuminati initiates sometimes undergo a rite whereby they are individually placed in the Kings sarcophagus and left there to meditate for three days. Upon completion, the initiate is supposed to be illumin ated, having been empowered and awoken by the pyramid energies. Little did he know before entering that the pyramid and its shafts function as a soul transporter to and from the Orion constellation, and midway through his meditation his body is vacated and replaced by a draconian walk-in. Stupid illuminati fool! Parasites are here to exploit our natural, spiritual, and biological resources. They are responsible for the ancient gold mines of Africa, some of our modern animal mutilations, and much of organized religion. Parasites have striven to appear as gods to man (some of whom they created as slave workers in the mines, known today as a sub-category of the negro race) so that man would worship them, sacrifice animals for them, and pray to them, in effect sending their own astral energy to these parasites, who in turn suckle off this earthly astral energy to maintain their physical solidity in this world, for most parasites are extradimensional creatures on borrowed time and energy . The Bible warns man not to worship idols, but to pray to the soul (Jesus) within, because praying to an idol means sending your psychic energy outward, ready to be intercepted by any entity with the evil intentions to use it for its own selfish survival (Christianity contains contradictory statements within, so it can be assuredly stated that outside of alterations by the Church, several alien factions have played a part in shaping this religion, some of whom include the Niburuans and Elohim groups. Nibiruans created man for slave labor and harvesting of astral energy, while the other group impaired the freedom of man to prevent civilization from advancing to a technological level beyond the capability of humans to handle responsibly. And yet, there are other factions, of whom Jesus was an Ascended Master, which enforce the Law of Freewill and allow man to have all the knowledge he wants as long as he requests it, symbolized by the Serpent tempting Adam to eat from the Tree of Kno wledge). Organized religion is centered around idols, statues, crucifixes, and other things external, and is therefore inherently a scam unless one pays attention to the message of the bible, and not the messenger known as Church. Negatives are those going against the wheel of life, who try to cheat the rules of the universe, who go on disrupting, destroying and sinning without karmic retribution. They try to be their own gods, masters of their own universes, and are total ego trips. Of all alien types, these are the most dangerous. They have, for the past several thousand years, composed an elaborate plan to overthrow the influence of God over their lives and this world such that they may rule without any limitation. In keep with the theme presented in Handbook for the New Paradigm, at the time when the oscillation shall shift from negative to positive, the structure of this world is in a vulnerable state, and negatives will utilize astral energy they reap from the immediate deaths of billions of humans (killed by some method, unknown to the author) to blast the boundary between this dimension and that where the spirits reside. This will trigger a chain reaction of chaos so thorough in its agitation that the jumbled mess once known as reality will be malleable and moldable enough to recompose into an order designed by the negatives through their collective psychic focus and manifest desire. This recomposed reality will have no Laws of Freewill or Karma, and the negatives may exploit without consequence. The negatives subordinates include the next category of aliens, the Resurrectionists. Last, Resurrectionists are here to fully bring back their ancient masters, whose souls are still trapped in earths astral field. Back when the alien coalition created mankind, these aliens were either not present or excluded from the program. Resurrectionists did not have the technology to create an entirely new race, so they could only minorly modify humans by either interbr eeding with them or with the low tech they possessed. The story of the Serpents encounter with Eve is a fable about this event. Today, royal blue-bloods are descendents of the resurrectionists efforts, and appear as normal white folk, except their DNA is slightly modified to allow incarnation by their alien masters. Most blue-bloods are unaware of their lineage except for a knack for leadership and sociopathic tendencies. The Illuminati are blue-bloods who have awakened to their identities, and use their illumination and positions of power to steer mankind toward the goals of resurrectionists, namely a New World Order. This is what the eye of lucifer atop the unfinished pyramid on the United States seal stands for. But because resurrectionist souls are so incompatible with normal human bodies, an entirely new race must be created to allow mass incarnation and existence upon earth. This is what alien abductions are all about. The resurrectionist masters are known collectively as infe rnals, the leader as Lucifer, and the physical ones as reptoids or sauroids, and their worker automatons as greys. Greys do the abducting, and the rest follows. The abduction program, then, is an elaborate plan conducted by the agents of Lucifer, in collaboration with the Illuminati and NWO politicians, to genetically engineer a hybrid race whose bodies will allow only infernal souls to reincarnate on earththe rest of humanity will be erradicated or kept for slave labor. The existence of Lucifer is logical, for we know that not all entities are equally developed, meaning there must be a highest and weakest of entities, and Lucifer by definition is the most powerful of the negatives. So those who were excluded from the program originally are looking for payback, and think they can get it if they do it in time. This has all been allowed to occur because for the past two thousand years, earths EM grid has been in the negative half of its oscillation, allowing evil entities to infiltrat e our reality and screw with our history. But it is all about to change, however, and the cycle shifts back to the good half somewhere around 2012 (perhaps December 21). If the resurrectionists do not succeed by then, if they fail to root themselves physically in our world, then all is lost for them. To top it off, they require several of their infernal masters to be born as humans to take the reigns of power as antichrists. But because their reincarnations are premature, if not awkward, it takes much effort to fit an infernal into a human body, like squeezing a fat ass into tight jeans. Therefore, the infusion of human body with infernal soul requires critical astrological alignment, timing, and location on earth (such that the astral and physical planes are closest at that moment and time), so there is a definite deadline for the resurrectionists and NWO to complete their goals. It is why the NWO must eliminate resistance now rather than wait another twenty years for 100% of human ity to turn to ignorant sheep rather than the present 97% majority, because later will be too late. If everything goes according to plan, the world will be unified by the human incarnate infernal masters into an NWO to fight the return of positives and defeat them, after which normal humans will be wiped out by disease or systematic mass murder, and finally, the planet will be repopulated by hybrid aliens manufactured through the alien abduction program. Of course, this is not the way things will happen. After uniting the world for a while, the antichrist will figuratively be stabbed in the back by rebellious nations, like the (former) united States of America, and another war will break out between pro-NWO and anti-NWO nations. After major loss of life, at the verge of defeat for America, the cycle will have oscillated to a point where the positives enter our dimension and swoop down, defeating the resurrectionists and sending the infernals back to the astral plane. There is a Law of Non-Interference normally preventing aliens from intervening in anything, but this Law has already been broken by the negatives and resurrectionists, so the positives must come in to equalize the situation. Then, positive entities will rule for a period of time until the cycle changes again. So much for Occams razor. .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .postImageUrl , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:hover , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:visited , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:active { border:0!important; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:active , .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51 .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65846fc5bb5d1a772337c298b3788c51:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bipolar Disorder Essay We will write a custom essay on The Meaning Behind Alien Abductions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Importance of Political Parties essays

Importance of Political Parties essays Importance of Political Parties in Todays Democracy We live in a society where people are able to voice their opinions on any subject they wish. Because of the rights guaranteed to us in our constitution, every individual can make their ideas known to the community. Naturally people with similar views and ideas would tend to form groups together. These groups, or parties are a vital part of our political system. One person alone cannot really change anything. Sometimes a unique idea or demonstration performed by one person can get attention but usually it takes a group to be noticed. It is easy for groups (the larger the better, i.e. Democrats/Republicans) to be acknowledged if they have an idea to propose to government. The way these groups are acknowledged is they are able to find many people who share an idea and show that there is a large majority of people who feel strongly about an issue. This then has an effect on government because the government officials who wish to be re-elected try to implement the idea brought up into the government so as to gain the votes of the people in that party. Without political parties our government would not be able to exist. The heads of different political parties run our government. If there were no parties than whoever ran for elected positions would win solely on luck and the amount of money that they spent campaigning so that they could expose themselves to as many people as possible. Especially if people with many similar ideas ran against each other the winner would be based on who was more exposed rather than who was more qualified. Going to vote would be near impossible because of the amount of candidates that would be on the ballot. When people associate with a political party they receive more than just a person to vote for. Meetings on town, state and national levels can be attended in which an individual can give input to their party leaders. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Aging Matter for Journal of Adolescent Health- myassignmenthelp

â€Å"Don’t Retire, Repurpose Your Life† age makes no difference, beautiful lines expresses in the book called ‘THE CHANGE ‘expressed that there is no end of anything whatever your age could be. Keep learning what you love to do, keep doing what to love to do. Life is such a wonderful blessing. There are those who have really tough challenges to deal with and you could help them. You could read in the library to small children. You might love art, so volunteer to talk about your favourite artist. If you enjoy visiting, go sit with a Vet, a person who has to be cared for, or makes it hard for the spouse or care giver to go out an hour alone. You can read to them, just visit, or really make yourself of help to others by just being there. As I love to work and increase knowledge, so after my age of 65 I still want to learn new theories and will work.  (Paul, 2014) I try to rejuvenate myself but I know I can’t do as I was doing during my adulthood. There are many factors that influenced me to achieve my goals. These factors are:  Ã‚   Health: My body is not that energetic what I feel from inside. I need to take regular intakes in order to maintain my energy level. I digestion capacity reduced day by day, eating junk food will not help me either. Medicines: I used to take medicines only when I am not well at my young age, even I refused to do so n recover automatically but now I need to take medicines on regular interval to keep myself ready to live routine life. Mind: Now my mind is mature and practical enough to understand every little thing, so as during my young age I never back step to accept challenges but now I am little bit afraid just because of my age factor. Another key to stay healthy and keep the heart healthy is by being happy always and keeping the stress away from me.    Chronic diseases: It depends upon the heredity or the living conditions of the person, some have one chronic disease while others have many. It could be followed after a test taken by the doctor which can show us the report as how can we keep ourself healthy and fit. Digestive system: Person is suffering from many digestive disorders about 40% of the time, they are like inability to eat proper diet, problem in swallowing, bleeding, constipation etc Eyesight: There is reduction in the ability of the person to read or locate objects. After 50 most of the people is suffering from presbiopia while after 80 by the cataract. Heart: Heart becomes less efficient comparatively which results in loss of stamina and can result into serious problems in future. However, to prevent this at first it is necessary to be aware with our health. I  am trying to bring some much needed changes in my life and settling into a new life style. I sleep properly, exercise in the proper amount and I eat only healthy food. I eat healthy. I take orange for fibre, vitamin C, low fat cheddar cheese and avocado slices for lunch with a low fat yogurt parfait with blueberries, strawberries and bananas for dessert. I forgot about the nuts for snacking, nuts are nutritious and supposed to contain the good kind of fat. I forgot about the two cups of veggie crunch sticks each afternoon – maybe I need to cut those veggie crunch sticks out. I’ll eat more high fibre and other foods that are supposed to help lower LDL. I am excited about the changes I’ve made. Its good time to revisit my goals which I have already set during my adulthood. As I was very busy in work and earning money, running in race of settling myself I left few things which I love to do. So I have already planned to do all these things after my retirement. I nvolving in activities like yoga and meditation will surely help in improving my mental health. I love to do yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways to focus ones mind and remove stress. When I am unable to visit my Yoga classes I practice at my home and meditate. As long the life goes on the period of learning extends each time with it. The stage of life is a classroom and we get to learn something or other throughout our life. Education is the most important pillar of the life of an individual. It gives direction to the human life. Even if I am 65years old I want to persue my dreams.I want to sudy, as we use to say that there is no age for the study. So I want to complete my degrees and education qualifications. Books are my best friends they never give worries they always give knowledge and spend time with the human being very sincerely. They never ditch with their thoughts.Although the of the age group 60-80 enjoys their life in the most richest manner but the main drawback is body failure and their depence on others. One of the biggest problems that can hamper achievement of goal is financial crisis. Even with the increase in aging the problem sustains. So a few steps can resolve the problem and help save a person from financial crisis..This age is usually associated with the time when many medical and pension benefits are available. It will help to gain the advantage of the situations that were analysed beforehand to prevent any further crisis. Before finally retiring from the job it is needed to ensure that the savings are enough to continue with the daily activities and the problems are can be solved with the saved money. . The monetary related issue is one of the essential issue that can occur at any point of life at any where. For this purpose it is necessary to understand and be ready for the situation that may arise in future. The benfits of the money saved while in the retirement period can prove out to be an advantageous decision made early in the life. Research shows that retirement doesn’t necessarily mean that the responsibilities towards the family come to an end. Although many retirees will still be remember the time when they first stop working. Increasingly, we were seeing retirement incomes being extended in ways that would not have seemed likely a generation ago. Numerous monetary dependants and multi-generational households are additional motives why saving as much as possible as early as possible, and seeking specialised economic advice, are vital for those preparing for retirement.Providing a financial support is very important but after retirement people used to get afraid of the situation as they will beable to provide the same helping hand to their family or not.   (Paul, 2014) Transportation helps the person to move from one place to another. The person who don’t have personal vehicle can easily move from one place to another during his past but after retirement moving through public bus or any other mode is not suitable even driving two wheeler is also not safe for the person. The person should have four wheeler in order to move, the maintanence of four wheeler is costly as compares to other mentioned modes and financially already the person is in risk. So having proper means of transport impacts highly on the fulfilment of family responsibilities. After considering all my financial issues I come up with various of the concerns regarding my decisions in life related to financial decision. Some of my plannings and check lists are listed below: Capital Preservation: Capital conservancy means security and protection. CDs, Treasury retreats and reserves bonds do pay interest, however they are all backed by the full confidence and credit. Cash reserves of insurance carrier is sometimes backed with annuities which causes the fund investor to become insolvent. Investment: Investment seeks as a mode of payment in the aging period. This might confront to some of the risks but the preferred utility stocks, corporate and municipal bonds brings up higher rates of income. In addition, annuities also provide income with guarantee and some restrictions offered inside the contract (Cussen, 2017). Planning: Planning is another significant decision that needs to be taken each time there is a need of such decisions. planning is important to be done in each process as it helps to understand the consequences and the profits that might be upcoming with the situation. there is a need with the planning in the period of aging as it will help to feature the solution before hand. Tax Reduction:  Tax reduction is itself explainable. there is simply   a goal to decrease the income levy bill of any of the investment policy being used. As if for a saving as growth investor for the the purpose of retirement. in such case it can be useful to use an â€Å"individual retirement account (IRA)† or a tax referred plan. annuities are also kind of tax-deferral plans (Cussen, 2017). Bernheim, B. D. (1987). Dissaving after retirement: Testing the pure life cycle hypothesis. In Issues in pension economics . University of Chicago Press. Blinder, A. S., Gordon, R. H., & Wise, D. E. (1983). Social Security, bequests and the life cycle theory of saving: cross-sectional tests. In The determinants of national saving and wealth . Palgrave Macmillan, London. Bradley, B, Green, AC. Do Health and Education Agencies in the United States Share Responsibility for Academic Achievement and Health? A Review of 25 years of Evidence About the Relationship of Adolescents’ Academic Achievement and Health Behaviors, Journal of Adolescent Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Association Between School-based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010. Danziger, S., Van Der Gaag, J., Smolensky, E., & Taussig, M. K. (1982). The life-cycle hypothesis and the consumption behavior of the elderly. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Davies, J. B. (1981). Uncertain lifetime, consumption, and dissaving in retirement. Journal of political Economy. Diamond, P. A., & Hausman, J. A. (1984). Individual retirement and savings behavior. Journal of Public Economics. Ekerdt, D. J. (1986). The busy ethic: Moral continuity between work and retirement. The Gerontologist. Hamermesh, D. S. (1982). Consumption during retirement: The missing link in the life cycle. Hubbard, R. G. (1986). Pension wealth and individual saving: Some new evidence. Journal of money, credit and banking. McKenzie, FD, Richmond, JB. Linking health and learning: An overview of coordinated school health programs. In: Marx E, Wooley SF, Northrop D, eds. Health is Academic: A Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs. New York, NY: Teachers College Press; 1998. Mirer, T. W. (1979). The wealth-age relation among the aged. The American Economic Review.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Fashion Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Fashion Marketing - Assignment Example The paper "Strategic Fashion Marketing" concerns strategic marketing in fashion. The contemporary fashion market is mainly for clients who are adventurous and aware of the current fashion trend. Contemporary outfits closely look like those seen on the runway only that they are sold at a different price, which is lower. The rise in status of contemporary fashion can be attributed to the changing tastes in artistic things among other factors. There are various marketing trends currently being used to market fashion wear. Technology and new inventions have seen the rise of many marketing strategies that are better and easier. Two contemporary fashion-marketing trends that will be influential over the next five years in the global fashion industry are mobile marketing and e-marketing. These fashion-marketing trends are important for various reasons. Many people have become very busy with daily activities be it official, academic or home chores. For this reason, they have very little time left for social activities including shopping for clothes. Things have been made easier by technology using the internet and mobile facilities like phones. Changing times have seen the rise in the use of these two marketing strategies. Internet has become readily available and this goes for mobile facilities as well. Mobile marketing is important because many people in various regions can be reached. This means that the market base for contemporary fashion is expanded and in turn, more sales are made.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hinduism Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hinduism Paper - Essay Example The definition of Indian Supreme Court about Hinduism is elucidated as well. It also presents the services of Mahatma Gandhi in spreading Hinduism and his views regarding caste system in the religion. The theme of the paper is to give a hawk eye review about Hinduism as a religion. Maya has huge significance in Hinduism and it basically means illusion. The term moves around the conception that this world is not actually real and the environment around us is an illusion. The things we experience are not authentic but are in fact depiction of ourselves. Every human being lies somewhere like a drop of water in an ocean. The perception of eternity is the premise of Maya. The term can be more explicated that this universe and creatures living in it are fake; actual human live lie somewhere else. The people which we observe around us actually belong to someplace else (Klostermaier, 2007). Fuller (2004) demonstrated that in Hinduism it is believed that the teachings of Vedanta are ultimate truth and an ordinary human mind cannot go deep into the wordily meaning of Maya. Karma and Ahamkara are the forces which make Maya. The Brahman caste of Hindu’s can understand the meaning and true notion of Maya. To produce conclusive arguments; verses of Bhagavad Gita are presented by Hindu Scholars to strengthen the concept of Maya. The essence of this theory is principally that world is a fake place and our souls lie somewhere else (Klostermaier, 2007). The Supreme Court of India defines Hinduism that it is nothing more than a way of life. It does not believe in a single god, one prophet or single philosophical concept and it does not persuade towards religious traditions. Hinduism is the way people live their lives in a cultured and tailored manner. This idea of Hinduism was defined by Chief Justice of Indian Supreme Court, P. B. Gajendragadkar in 1995. Most of the Hindu’s believe in this definition of the court but

Saturday, November 16, 2019

We Need a Traditional Chinese Medicine Essay Example for Free

We Need a Traditional Chinese Medicine Essay Kelly Ross said, â€Å"The U. S. economy was broken long before the Crash of 2008, but its weakness was temporarily papered over by a real estate bubble in the Bush years. † (Ross, 2012) It seems like that we are experiencing a financial crisis right now, but the truth is that our economy system is weaker than what we thought. How do we resolve the underlying problems? Think about China, why is China doing so well? Cheaper labor cost, lager export, or huge householder savings? Anyway, let’s go into Chinese’ core values first and then figure out the reasons which may useful for us. The Confucius is the core of Chinese culture and he is also one of the earliest economists in China. His Confucian theory has been used by Chinese governments to control their people as long as thousands years. Here is the question for today. How does the Confucius’ economics become an antidote to our economic recession? First of all, let’s talk about the Confucius’ view of wealth. His theory is based on morality and it is also the foundation of his economic thought. According to Confucius, â€Å"Riches and honours are what men desire. If it cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and meanness are what men dislike. If it cannot be avoided in the proper way, they should not be avoided† (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p 17. ) The Confucius is teaching his students that even though we all want to get wealth, but we cannot get it via sharp practice. We should think about â€Å"Yi(? )† first which comes before gain. â€Å"Yi† can be seen as the word â€Å"righteousness† in English which is also based upon the idea of reciprocity. This idea looks like an opposite idea of self-interest. On the other hand, Adam Smith told us that â€Å"self-interest is ‘good’† (Class ppt. Kuiper. ) Self-interest can stimulate economic growth in the short run but can also bring moral issues for a long term implication. Take a look at our economy today, there are many examples showed us that the lack of supervision is the most common reason for financial crises. What are wrong with our supervision system and moral cognition? We cannot obtain every single penny from the world. If so, our desire will never be satisfied and it can lead us to blot up the resource from our descendants in the future. Money is not the purpose of our life; it is only a tool that services our life. However, this is not meaning that we should avoid wealth. The Confucius said, â€Å"If the search for riches is sure to be successful, though I should become a groom with whip in hand to get them, I will do so. As the search may not be successful, I will follow after that which I love. † (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p. 38. ) From this sentence we can see that Confucius is perfervid to earn gain via being an official. Therefore, if it is the right way of getting gain, then he would love to do it, even only being a low- level official with physical labor. Moreover, The Confucius said, â€Å"The mind of the superior man is conversant with righteousness; the mind of the mean man is conversant with gain. † (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p 19. ) A gentleman should understand and familiar with righteousness. In the orientation of value, the first thing a gentleman should consider is â€Å"Yi†; also, for a gentlemans virtue and morality, â€Å"Yi† is the value of life and it is very important for Confucian. Therefore, virtue and morality will be the gentlemen’s first pursuit. In addition, the Confucianism is always in a moral and political perspective to deal with problems. The Confucius said, â€Å"If a superior love propriety, the people will not dare not to be reverent. If he loves righteousness, the people will not dare not to submit to his example. If he loves good faith, the people will not dare not to be sincere. Now, when these things obtain, the people from all quarters will come to him, bearing their children on their backs; what need has he of a knowledge of husbandry? † (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p. 76. ) From Confucius’ words, we can see that personality trait is most important in the Confucianism. If we can build a wonderful moral system, then we will be able to obtain a political stability, and then, to have a stabile economy. In addition, even though the economy is very tied to people lives and development, it still does not become above to the moral and politician’s primary task in the Confucian. That is an upside down relationship with what we thought today, because we all treat the economy as the most important part of our society. Furthermore, one of Confucius’s points of view is advocating a frugal society and stand against luxury. He thinks that if a government wants to govern the country well, then saving and reduce spending are most important. He said, â€Å"Administration is saving. † (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p. 72.) This is not meaning that spending it bad, but we should also do saving as well. Our earth needs a balance as well as we does. However, it is going to lead to a severer resource shortage if we do not change our spending behavior right now. In addition, the Confucius also encourages the government into universal education after they have a stabile economy. He thinks that in order to improve the quality of people we should improve the extent and quality of education, which is a sustaining way to keep our society stabile. According to The Analects of Confucius, â€Å"‘and when they have been enriched, what more shall be done? ’ The Master said, ‘Teach them. ’† (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p. 77. ) Therefore, we should make our education system stronger as well as our morality system. As economic globalization from today, we are not only need abundant economic resource as our supporter; we also need to be sustained with ideological and ethical system because that is the true basis of our life. Even though there are many different kind of economic activates, productive activate is still one of the most important activates. Also, the Confucius teaches his students that economic activities should be amenable to ethics. We should regain the time which is frugal. Don’t we be touched from him? In addition, here is a sentence shows an epitome of the Confucianism â€Å"There were four things which the Master taught, — letters, ethics, devotion of soul, and truthfulness. † (Confucius, 551-479 BCE, p. 39. ) The Confucius also teaches his students that every choice, which related to praise or blame, and publicity or suppression, depends on whatever they conform to the establishment of the Confucian moral laws and political criterion. As Chinese economy growth today, we may try this â€Å"traditional Chinese medicine† which is from the Confucianism; see if it can help our economy to get better.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Uranium :: essays research papers

Uranium was discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth, a German chemist, in the mineral pitchblende (primarily a mix of uranium oxides) in 1789.Klaproth, as well as the rest of the scientific community, believed that the substance he extracted from pitchblende was pure uranium, it was actually uranium dioxide (UO2). After noticing that 'pure' uranium reacted oddly with uranium tetrachloride (UCl4), Radioactivity was first discovered in 1896 when Antoine Henri Becquerel, a French physicist, detected it from a sample of uranium. Today, uranium is obtained from uranium ores such as pitchblende, uraninite , carnotite and autunite as well as from phosphate rock , lignite (brown coal) and monazite sand . Since there is little demand for uranium metal, uranium is usually sold in the form of sodium diuranate , also known as yellow cake, or triuranium octoxide). Uranium, a radioactive element, was first mined in the western United States in 1871 by Dr. Richard Pierce, who shipped 200 pounds of pitchblende to London from the Central City Mining District. This element is sorta boring but I found something interesting, they used it to make an an atomic bomb in the Cold War. In 1898 Pierre and Marie Curie and G. Bemont isolated the "miracle element" radium from pitchblende. That same year, uranium, vanadium and radium were found to exist in carnotite, a mineral containing colorful red and yellow ores that had been used as body paint by early Navajo and Ute Indians on the Colorado Plateau. The discovery triggered a small prospecting boom in southeastern Utah, and radium mines in Grand and San Juan counties became a major source of ore for the Curies. It was not the Curies but a British team working in Canada which was the first to understand that the presence of polonium and radium in pitchblende was not due to simple geological an d mineral reasons, but that these elements were directly linked to uranium by a process of natural radioactive transmutation. The theory of radioactive transformation of elements was brilliantly enlarge in1901 by the New Zealand physicist Ernest Rutherford and the English chemist Frederick Soddy at McGill University in Montreal. At dusk on the evening of November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Rontgen, professor of physics at the University of Wurzburg in Germany, noticed a cathode tube that a sheet of paper come distance away. He put his hand between the tube and the paper, he saw the image of the bones in his hand on the paper.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Has OPEC been a Successful Cartel? Essay

A cartel is an organisation of producers grouped together for their own benefit. The most well known cartel in existence today is OPEC, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Its members are some (but not all) of the most important oil producing countries including Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Most cartels try to raise prices at the expense of consumers. The aim of this essay is to determine whether OPEC has been a successful cartel, this will mean I have to examine the strengths and weaknesses of OPEC which have been present throughout their existence of supplying oil. This should allow me to make an appropriate judgement on whether OPEC has been a successful Cartel. The brief history of oil prices show that oil was cheap in the 1950s and 60s. This was due to supply growing faster than demand. The early 1970’s saw a reversal of this trend, as demand increased faster than supply. This was mainly due to the world economy booming. Source: adapted from BP statistical review In November 1973, politics in the Middle East was to have a great effect on oil prices. With an existing tight market, the result was am explosion in the price of oil. The war was soon over but its economic downturn effect was not lost on OPEC. OPEC, whose members at the time supplied over 60% of world demand for oil, organised a system of quotas amongst themselves, fixing limits on how much each member could produce. By slightly cutting back on pre-1973 production levels, they were able to increase the average price of oil to around $13 (as shown in the table above). Price S2 As this demand and supply diagram S1 shows, as Supply decreases from S1 to S2, Price increases from P1 to P2. This P2 explains how OPEC managed to increase average prices of oil to $13 by cutting P1 back on supply. D Quantity QD2 QD1 However, this graph also shows that Quantity demanded for oil would also decrease. This would mean OPEC may well not be better of in terms of revenue as price increases and quantity demanded decreases (Price * Quantity =Revenue). However there was a fundamental reason why OPEC could successfully pioneer this massive price rise, this was mainly due to the fact that the demand for oil was inelastic in the short run. Price inelasticity assumes that demand is not heavily affected by a change in price. The reason behind oil being an inelastic product was due to the fact that oil consumers had invested heavily in capital equipment such as oil-fired heating systems and petrol driven cars. In the short term there were no cheap alternative substitutes. As a result OPEC would receive a higher revenue by increasing prices; hence higher profits. This could be considered a strength of OPEC as a cartel. However, in the longer term consumers are able to replace oil-powered equipment (substitutes). This would increase the elasticity of oil, hence an increase in price would have a more responsive effect on the amount demanded. As a consequence, when the demand for oil began to grow again in 1976,it was a slower rate than in the early 70s. In 1978, Iran and Iraq went to war. Iran was a major oil producer, and the  subsequent war severely disrupted supplies from these two countries. OPEC used this opportunity to tighten supply again. As a result rose again from $13 a barrel in 1978 to $36 a barrel in 1980. Total world demand fell once again. This gives an indication of OPEC being affected by external influences such as strains among their member countries. August 1990 saw another blow to OPEC’s strangle hold over the success of producing oil in a profitable manner. Political events in the Middle East saw Iraq invade Kuwait, as a result oil sanctions were applied to the output of both countries by oil consuming countries. Other oil producing countries feared of a major shortage in supply as prices rose from $18 to $40 a barrel; as a result other non-OPEC countries reacted by increasing production in oil. Prices fell back as overall supply returned to normal. Since the successful counter by the US to retake Kuwait, the price of oil has seen a steady drift downwards in price. This has also led to OPEC losing out due to more countries increasing production in oil; causing an increase in competition. Restricting competition is not necessarily easy. There are three potential problems that OPEC has to overcome due to it being a cartel. These are explained below: An agreement has to be reached The larger the number of firms, the greater the possibility that at least one key firm participant will refuse to collude. In the case of OPEC, this may well be difficult due to political disagreement that has regularly occurred during OPEC’s history. Cheating has to be prevented Once an agreement is made and profitability in the industry is raised, it would pay an individual firm to cheat so long as no other firms do the same. In the case of OPEC, with the increase in non-OPEC supply has led to strains among OPEC members. This has led to an increased incentive to  cheat(mentioned further on in the essay). Potential competition must be restricted Abnormal profits will encourage not only existing firms in the industry to expand output but also new firms to enter the industry. Firms already in the industries that don’t join the cartel may be happy to follow the policies of the cartel in order to earn abnormal profits themselves. However, in the case of OPEC, it would be hard for another competing country to do this as oil is a scarce resource and also OPEC already has the majority of the market within their own organisation. There are a number of reasons why OPEC has been one of the few international cartels that have survived over a long period of time, this is due to the following: No need for any buffer stocks or large amounts of financial capital If OPEC wishes to reduce supply. Member countries simply produce less and leave their oil in the ground. There are a relatively small number of members of OPEC Member countries are able to exert a high degree of control over the volume of oil lifted within their own countries. Oil production is not particularly affected by variations in weather Hence supply need not fluctuate widely and randomly from year to year as it does in many agricultural markets. OPEC countries supply a significant proportion of total world output. Because non-OPEC producers tend to produce at maximum capacity, countries such as USA and the UK are unable to exert downward pressure on oil prices  even if they wanted to. In real terms, oil prices today are little different from those at the start of the 70’s. OPEC countries increased their revenues substantially in the mid-1970s and again in 1979-80 but these were short-lived gains. OPEC suffers from three fundamental weaknesses: 1) Large increases in oil prices in the 1970s led to stagnant demand for until the mid 1980s. Consumers substituted other types of energy for oil, there was a shift towards much greater energy conservation. 2) Large increases in oil prices led to a large increase in supply from non-OPEC countries. The increase in supply has depressed world prices since the start of the 1980s. Hence, OPEC receiving a lower turnover as a result. 3) The increase in non-OPEC supply has led to strains amongst OPEC members. In any cartel there is an incentive to cheat. However, if countries cheat, then the price will fall rapidly. This occurred in the mid-1980s, when many OPEC countries exceeded their quotas, driving down the prices of oil. Which again would have an adverse effect upon profits made by OPEC countries. To conclude, I believe that OPEC has suffered many problems associated with being a cartel. As a result I believe OPEC will not continue to be a successful cartel due to individual countries ‘cheating’ in order to gain extra profits (as mentioned previously). There is also the effect of OPEC being able to maintain high levels of profit only on a short term basis, until free market forces take effect and these profits once again return to normal. It must also be mentioned that the increase in supply from non-OPEC members has also created a downward pressure effect upon prices, therefore decreasing OPEC’s control on prices. Hence, profit margins being damaged. The future for OPEC may well see more adverse effects occurring. As the problem of oil being a scarce resource becomes present, free market sources will look towards a substitute for oil. This may well see the demand for oil decreasing in the long term. Once again this will lead to OPEC losing its  competitiveness as a cartel.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Hometown Essay

Changing is inevitable part in our life. We daily see the evidences of changing anywhere. In fact, the changing is nature phenomenon. Also, sometimes the differences which have been resulted of changing can be wide and distinct, other times it can be unnoticeable. There is an ancient quote which says â€Å"if people have finished changing, they will finish,† this say implies the idea that the variability is a continuous process. My hometown varies a lot for the last ten years compared to when I was a child. The obvious changing has been occurred in people income rate, public services, and education. First, the annual income for each people has increased in the last several years many time than the past. Many available jobs opportunities are provided. Because there are many oil companies branches has been opened in my hometown, a lot of people involve in these companies and get sufficient salaries, while then, there were limited numbers of small stores which required few workers. Also, because people in the past used to work in farms and agricultural production, most of them spent a lot labor with merely money. Moreover, now days, the agricultural yield has significantly increased since the technology was adapted in production. Conversely, the production was so limited that people did not get enough food for their families because old methods of management and the harmful effects of pests were predominant in agricultural production. Moreover, by the time the companies are established in the city, many banks branches have been opened ,and individuals can acquire the benefits of banks services. For instance, they can easily get loans and financial support or invest their money. Whereas, in the past, may hometown did not have banks. Therefore, people used to go to another cities which had banks. Al in all, the financial abilities for people has changed a lot. Second, the public services which have been offered for people are immensely available in these days. To illustrate, there are many health centers and hospitals which are opened to take care of people. Conversely, my city had a small health center which was designed for limited population in the past. Some people who had serious disease did not find the suitable therapy or the first aids. Furthermore, right now, my city has a convenient transportation even though they do not have modern transitions such as subways and monorail. Many traffic highways are built and communicated with most of the other cities. On the other hand, the roads were inconvenient and most of them did not pave in past; therefore, people were obligated to walk in mud in winter. In addition, a big bridge is built on Tigris river which follows through the city and divides it into two parts in order to communicate both cities part, while the old woody bridge was unsafe and causes many accident in which many people were died. In addition, many parks, lots, and railroad are built to absorb the increasing in population. Finally, the developing in education is noticeable. For example, many education institutes are recently built such as primary, secondary, and high schools. A lot of students annually attend the schools, whereas, there were limited number of schools which was built in old design. Also, there is a big university has opened for 8 years. Therefore, the graduated high schools students can complete their academic study. Furthermore, not only government but also private schools are opened which have different specialists and fields. Thus, the students will have options when they choose their career; conversely, students used to travel to another cities in order to attend universities. In short, today, may hometown is different to what it was in the past in three important sectors finance, public facilities, and education sectors. Although no all changing presents positive results, it is still better than the last time. In my opinion my hometown will continue developing although that is might produce new challenges.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Leonidas of Sparta essays

Leonidas of Sparta essays Leonidas was a king of ancient Sparta, the seventeenth of the Agiad line. He succeeded to the throne after his half brother Cleomenes committed suicide in around 489 BC. Very little is known about his life, but his heroic death at the pass of Thermopylae is one of the most famous episodes in history. The Persian king, Xerxes, invaded Greece in about 480 BC, with a large army. The Greek army was considerably smaller and inferior to that of the Persians, and so their only option, to avoid defeat, was to find a position to defend where Persian numbers would be of less account. Two defensive lines remained; at the narrow coastal pass of Thermopylae, where the Greek fleet could block the north-Euboean strait, or at the Isthmus itself with the fleet a little to the north of Salamis. After much indecision, the choice fell on Thermopylae. Leonidas was sent with about 7000 men to the pass of Thermopylae. In the pass, Leonidas men repulsed the frontal attacks of the Persians for the first two days, but on the third day Leonidas learned that a Greek traitor had informed Xerxes of a mountain top trail that would help the Persians break the pass. Leonidas sent most of the Greeks to safety to Southern Greece and then swung his remaining force of 300 Spartans and 1100 other Greeks, against the enemy with undaunted courage and grim determination worthy of their Gods. Leonidas fell bravely in the thickest of the fight and a fierce struggle raged over the body of the Spartan King, but given the numbers they faced, the body did fall into Persian hands. It has been said by contemporary Greeks, that Leonidas head was afterwards cut off by Xerxes order and his body then crucified. He was buried with full honours, including a very un-Spartan display of wailing and mourning, and a carved lion was dedicated at his death site to symbolise his courage. The mourning of Leonidas death reinforces his import...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Pursa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pursa - Essay Example What can explain this drop in voter interest? It just might be that the educated masses of this country, among them the large middle class, are just tired of seeing new faces but no change in policy. Hence they decide that it does not make a difference, and it is better just not to vote. It matters not whether the elected Presidents are Republican or Democrat, they continue making the same noises and go through the same motions, when the truth is that the only needs that are being served are those of the capitalists and the corporations they own. Among the many critiques of democracy as a system of Government are that it just counts the number of votes, and does not weigh them. Thus the vote of a poor illiterate farmer would be equal in importance to that of a college educated graduate (Dahl, 1989, 12). Secondly, the corporations and the capitalists have so ruined the transparency of the system that it does not matter who gets elected to the Presidency, the funding of both participan ts ensures that the interests of the big corporations and their owners are kept uppermost. For all his rhetoric about change, President Obama has not managed to get us out of the financial crisis that has enveloped America due to the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and risk exposures that resulted in the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and others. Despite the bailout packages that rescued some banking institutions and the automobile industry in Detroit, the major loss was still to the American public who lost their homes, cars and jobs in an economic downturn that still persists. Unemployment is still at 9 percent in some States and public confidence at an all time low. The real problem lies in the system itself. If bankers can go on robbing the public through first making loans to clients with high default risks, pocketing fees and commissions in the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Should the United Kingdom Introduce a Written Constitution Essay

Should the United Kingdom Introduce a Written Constitution - Essay Example A constitution may come in two forms --the written and unwritten constitution. When these set of laws are put in writing and bound in a single document it is then called a written constitution, otherwise it is referred to as an unwritten constitution. Presently, most countries have formulated and are functioning and enforcing their laws through a written constitution. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) however is far removed from these modern day countries since they do not have a written constitution as yet.   Aside from these two countries, there are only a handful of countries that remain without a written constitution, namely--New Zealand, Israel and San Marino. Countries that function without a written constitution are similarly referred to as countries with an uncodified constitution as the sources of laws, governmental and individual rights are not contained in one fundamental instrument but rather embodied in a series of documents. The judicial branch makes use Acts of Parliament, Treaties, European Union Law, Common Law, Conventions and Works of Authority as their reference in deciding a case. Royal prerogatives and Parliamentary constitutional conventions are equally used as their sources of law.  From the given characteristics of a constitution the question still remains: Is there a need for the United Kingdom to introduce a written constitution? This paper aims to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a written constitution in the United Kingdom and to arrive at an educated opinion whether it would be best for the United Kingdom to create its own constitution. The position of the researcher is for the United Kingdom to maintain its current disposition on the grounds that it has long survived without a written constitution and it has created safeguards that would ensure that its citizens’ rights and liberties would be protected from the self-interest of those people in power.